Friday, November 4, 2011

Why we need to Hold Out Help

Greetings Blogging Friends

Today Holden wanted me to make you all aware of a very important orginization. This is pretty near and dear to his heart as this wonderful group helps young men and women who are just like him. *(As I like to put it...Escapee's off the Ranch)*

And its not only just young men and women, But also mothers who are tired of the abuse and the repression that the Polygomist Lifestyle affords to these women.

*Disclaimer* This next stament is not mine but pulled directly from the Holding Out Help Website

*Our Mission: Holding Out HELP strives to provide the necessary resources and guidance for those desiring to leave their polygamist communities. We strive to connect those transitioning from a polygamist community into independent and self-sufficient living by providing safe houses, food, clothing, counseling, mentoring, job training, education and referral services.*

Wow....What a mission!
In my eyes this is a very worthwhile endevor and I encourage each and everyone of you to please check out this great site and then please consider what it is that you have within yourselves to give to help these worthy wonderful people wanting a new a better life free of oppression and abuse of every kind.

I want to share with you a few of the sucsses stories that can be found on this web site.

One anonymous mother states:
"I felt so alone and crippled coming from the FLDS lifestyle with nowhere to go and no one to rely on apart from friends who had already done all they could do for me. I found myself at the Draper Police Station with the victims advocate discussing my options of where my twin boys and myself would go. The advocate then began telling me of this amazing organization, Holding Out Help, who helped women in my exact dangerous and desperate situation. I was very hesitant about letting anyone of the world help us, because of what the word, aka the "gentiles," thought about the FLDS community. With the hope in my heart that there really were people in "the world" that loved unconditionally and wanted to help, I went to this home with nothing but an overnight bag and the three broken scared hearts.

Before we knew it, we found ourselves surrounded by love and support no matter where we came from or what I had done in my life. They provided us with a safe home and very necessary essential items such as love, hope, clothing, food, therapy and legal assistance. Most important to me was they cared for us and had our best interest at heart, which was the most amazing feeling ever.
Shortly after that, I was able to get onto my own two feet in my own place, working and all three of us receiving education, which I had never had in my life because of the lifestyle I was raised in. We are all three very healthy emotionally and physically and living an extremely happy, fulfilling and flourishing life I had never imagined living before leaving my situation. We could have never done this without HELP."

Now thats Love!!!!!!
No jusgments or critisizims for who and what these individuales are and how they lived......Nothing but accptance and love!!!!!!!

Since I have met Holden I have tried to put myself in his shoes and the shoes of others like him, Just to get the feel of what it would be like.

A young man growing up in a small desert town in the middle of nowhere Utah being told how evil the outside world is and the only saftey and chance for eternal salvation lies within the compound of Hildale. Then one day as a young man you are told by the prophet that you must leave the only world you have ever known because you are considered a threat. ( A threat to what is beyond me but there ya go.) Not only are you told to leave your home but to be told that you cannot have any type of contact with your Brothers, Sisters, Father and more importantly....Your Mother. You have just been told that you can never see your mother again. Now you hve no home no family and your heart has just been broken.

I cant imagine. Where do you go...What do you do? How in the world do you begin to heal from something so life changing?

Thats why an orginization like Holding Out Help is so important. They will never judge, never critizise and most importantly never make you feel less than the beautiful Child of God that we were all born of.

Again, I encourage you to go to the website and give of yourself, Weither it be monitary or some service.

*Holding Out Help has not saught any endorsement from Neither Hoden or myself, We jsut feel this is a highly important cause and urge you to help where you can*

Finally, Holden would like you to know he holds much love for each and everyone of you!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Holden Update

Hey everyone,

Just stopping by to give you all a heads up.

My name is Amy and I am gonna be helping Holden out keeping his blog and other online entities updated and to help in keeping all his friends and family updated on his life and all the exciting things that has happened and is gonna be happening for Holden here in the next few months.

The last few month for our esteemed Mr. Barlow has been hectic to say the least, Fulfilling but Hectic!!!!!

Ya'll ever hear of a reporter by the name of Anderson Cooper....Yeah I think you all have. Anderson is one of the most respected Reporters and Anchors in the News Business. (CNN and all...Yup Yup!)


Yeah, Hes the one. Anderson Cooper has expanded from the wide world of CNN to add to his list of accomplishments of now being a Day Time Talk Show host.

Follow the link Bloggers, you wont be disappointed.

Now, What does Anderson Cooper and Holden Barlow have in common?
Well, Our own dearly loved Holden has appeared twice now on Anderson Cooper's Daytime talk show talking about his life growing up in the Polygamist Community of Hilldale/Colorado City. (He calls it being a Creek Kid or a Creeker)

Follow the link again....So worth it!!!!!!!

Holden will be appearing once again on Anderson Cooper sometime in the next upcoming week, I will keep you all updated as to the when's where's and why-fore's.

There is so much going on in Holden's life right now, Somethings I can talk about, Something I can't......Yet (Que dramatic music in 3...2...1...DUN DUN DUN)

Holden is currently in LA talking to a few people, Can't tell you about what, right now anyway, But once he is home I will spill the big bag of beans. (All I ask of you is to keep good thoughts that Holden will gain just what he needs from this trip)And next week as I have said before he will be back on Anderson Cooper (I'll let ya know when)

That's it for now my friends, Be well and know that Holden holds much love for each and everyone of you