Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Holden Update

Hey everyone,

Just stopping by to give you all a heads up.

My name is Amy and I am gonna be helping Holden out keeping his blog and other online entities updated and to help in keeping all his friends and family updated on his life and all the exciting things that has happened and is gonna be happening for Holden here in the next few months.

The last few month for our esteemed Mr. Barlow has been hectic to say the least, Fulfilling but Hectic!!!!!

Ya'll ever hear of a reporter by the name of Anderson Cooper....Yeah I think you all have. Anderson is one of the most respected Reporters and Anchors in the News Business. (CNN and all...Yup Yup!)


Yeah, Hes the one. Anderson Cooper has expanded from the wide world of CNN to add to his list of accomplishments of now being a Day Time Talk Show host.

Follow the link Bloggers, you wont be disappointed.

Now, What does Anderson Cooper and Holden Barlow have in common?
Well, Our own dearly loved Holden has appeared twice now on Anderson Cooper's Daytime talk show talking about his life growing up in the Polygamist Community of Hilldale/Colorado City. (He calls it being a Creek Kid or a Creeker)

Follow the link again....So worth it!!!!!!!

Holden will be appearing once again on Anderson Cooper sometime in the next upcoming week, I will keep you all updated as to the when's where's and why-fore's.

There is so much going on in Holden's life right now, Somethings I can talk about, Something I can't......Yet (Que dramatic music in 3...2...1...DUN DUN DUN)

Holden is currently in LA talking to a few people, Can't tell you about what, right now anyway, But once he is home I will spill the big bag of beans. (All I ask of you is to keep good thoughts that Holden will gain just what he needs from this trip)And next week as I have said before he will be back on Anderson Cooper (I'll let ya know when)

That's it for now my friends, Be well and know that Holden holds much love for each and everyone of you